Author's posts
Jun 06 2004
Een dagje Antwerpen…
Het was gezellig. Maar wel een hoop gedoe 😉 Sjors was op Zaterdagavond net op tijd voor Dit Was Het Nieuws al in Utrecht, en is hier blijven slapen. Vanmorgen zijn we om 6.30 opgestaan, om vervolgens om 7.05 hier weg te rijden richting Groningen. Waarom Groningen? Om en op te halen natuurlijk! Volgens Dory …
Apr 16 2004
Darned hayfever
That’s actually all I had to say… I hate it! The sneezing, the pressure it’s causing on my ears, my eyes itching and irritating, etc etc. AARGH!
Dec 10 2003
(No title)
Protector The ULTIMATE personality test brought to you by Quizilla Yep, that’s true, that’s totally me 🙂 Voor als het moeilijk te lezen is: You are the rock, the keystone of your friends and family. They look to you for support and leadership. You don’t push for devotion or attention, but when the situation is …
Dec 06 2003
I don’t want to get sick :-(
This is great. I’m only just over my cold, and already my throat hurts again, my ears keep uhm, collapsing (if that’s the right term), my neck is totally blocked, my head feels a bit warm whilest the rest of my body says it’s a bit cold And don’t tell me what I already know, …
Nov 23 2003
Note to myself
Okay. Look for a new energy-source. Find something to give your life meaning again! And for Pete’s sake, finish off that report and file it, and do all those other things you should’ve already done by now! Find a topic to write that darned article for school about! And, also very important, start that …
Nov 23 2003
I had two things on my ToDo list for today. And I crossed them both out, not feeling like doing them today and promising myself I’ll do them later this week (as I said last week, same things, still not done). Oh well…
Nov 20 2003
Hmm, weird :-)
I’ve just watched Nothing Hill on tv. I dunno, after the first 30 minutes I had something like “Zap away now, or you’ll get all emotional again”. At first, I did zap away, but only for a couple of minutes (so kill me for being a romanticus)… And the weirdest thing is, I’m not feeling …
Nov 17 2003
Following up Lyssia’s Advice
On this perfect day, Nothing’s standing in my way On this perfect day, Nothing can go wrong It’s the perfect day, Tomorrow’s gonna come too soon I could stay, forever as I am On this perfect day For those of you who need cheering up
Nov 02 2003
I want my mail back, and I want it now!
GRRRR!!!! The mailserver of seems to be down. And that’s where my address is forwarding to at the moment. I want my mail, NOW!
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