The mailserver of seems to be down. And that’s where my address is forwarding to at the moment.
I want my mail, NOW!
Nov 02 2003
The mailserver of seems to be down. And that’s where my address is forwarding to at the moment.
I want my mail, NOW!
Nov 02 2003
In no particular order:
– Shave
– Find out if Liz is working today
– If the above is true, go to the Karwei and tell her about the project I’ll just write her a letter
– Write technical documentation
I guess that’s about it. Not much to do, especially if Liz isn’t working today 🙂
Changed the mood from Sleepy to Lazy
Nov 01 2003
I was bored this morning, so I updated (or actually rewrote) the documentation on the Mendino project.
The new document can be found here. It’s in Dutch btw 😉
Oct 30 2003
I’m going to see The Matrix Revolutions twice within 14 hours 😀
Wednesday I’ll see it in the Grand Theatre Amersfoort @ 18h30 with (amongst others)
Thursday we (all MT and IE students) are invited to see the movie for a 50% discount at the Figi in Zeist (@ 9.30). Yay!
By the way, if more people would like to join us on wednesday, let me know. We’ve made reservations for 24 tickets, so there’s room enough.
Tickets have to be picked up 45 minutes before the movie starts. So if you want to join us, you’ll have to be in Amersfoort at 17h30 at it’s latest. If you’re on your way, but won’t make the 17h30, CALL ME, otherwise I won’t pick up a ticket for you!
Oct 24 2003
It’s snowing!
Oh, by the way, headache is gone, and I didn’t go to the docter.
Oct 22 2003
That’s all I have to say for now…
Still have a minor headache, and thinking about going to the doctor to-morrow. Maybe I should do that…
Oct 22 2003
Yesterday, I woke up with a minor headache.
I even had to stop the big maintenance thingy of the Serverpark half-way due to that headache, which was a major one at that time…
Slept a lot yesterdayafteroon/evening/lastnight, and woke up at 6 am. Without a headache, yay!
Desided to sleep a little longer, and when I woke up at 7.30, I had once again a minor headache.
And here I am now, at home (went home at 14h00 being ‘sick’), still with that (minor) headache.
Oct 13 2003
So, I had like, nothing to do at work/school today! It’s a holiday-week, so there’s almost nobody there…
So I watched some movies, and went home early.
There was a (female) first-year student at the cubbicle in front of me, and I didn’t have the courage to even say “Hello, how do you like this study so far?”. And when I left, I saw she was using photoshop. I was in doubt for a moment about whether or not to ask her if she’s any good with photoshop (since we still need a designer for Mendino).
And then, I arrived at the station in Amersfoort, and saw the train of 15h13 leave without taking me with it.
So I decided to take the stoptrain of 15h16. I got in, and it was very busy at that part of the train.
I sat down on a foldchair next to the door, but realized that’s not a clever place to sit down.
I stood up, and walked to the front of the train. Lot’s of room there!
And then, I saw her. A lovely girl, which gave me the awkward feeling I knew her. But I couldn’t think of what I would know her from. And standing up, and saying “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” just isn’t my thing.
So, I ended up just looking at her from time to time (while reading a book), and when she left the train at Bilthoven station, I was in a big doubt about whether or not to follow her.
But ofcourse, I didn’t.
Stupid me.
She surely looked like the girl of my dreams…
Oct 10 2003
Hi there!
Well, I haven’t got much to report actually. Been quiet the last couple of days. now works.
I’ve got a new book, the latest “Giphart”, which makes my collection complete once again. That is, untill he writes a new book again ofcourse 😉
I would like to get my money from the HvU now though. I want to do things again, like going to the cinema!
Oct 07 2003
The Website project finally has a name!
It’s Mendino, and I’ve already registered the domain.
Now we need a logo, a layout, a design, and ofcourse, content 😉
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