October 2003 archive

The Matrix Revolutions

I’m going to see The Matrix Revolutions twice within 14 hours 😀 Wednesday I’ll see it in the Grand Theatre Amersfoort @ 18h30 with (amongst others) , Riker, , Stephan, and Leanda. Thursday we (all MT and IE students) are invited to see the movie for a 50% discount at the Figi in Zeist (@ …

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It’s snowing! Yay! Oh, by the way, headache is gone, and I didn’t go to the docter.

Photo’s Stimpy.nu Serverpark Maintenance-day online

Click here!. That’s all I have to say for now… Still have a minor headache, and thinking about going to the doctor to-morrow. Maybe I should do that…

I hate being sick

Yesterday, I woke up with a minor headache. I even had to stop the big maintenance thingy of the Stimpy.nu Serverpark half-way due to that headache, which was a major one at that time… Slept a lot yesterdayafteroon/evening/lastnight, and woke up at 6 am. Without a headache, yay! Desided to sleep a little longer, and …

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Kick Me!

Okay… So, I had like, nothing to do at work/school today! It’s a holiday-week, so there’s almost nobody there… So I watched some movies, and went home early. There was a (female) first-year student at the cubbicle in front of me, and I didn’t have the courage to even say “Hello, how do you like …

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Hi there! Well, I haven’t got much to report actually. Been quiet the last couple of days. Mendino.nl now works. I’ve got a new book, the latest “Giphart”, which makes my collection complete once again. That is, untill he writes a new book again ofcourse 😉 I would like to get my money from the …

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What’s in a name?

The Stimpy.nu Website project finally has a name! It’s Mendino, and I’ve already registered the Mendino.nl domain. Yay! Now we need a logo, a layout, a design, and ofcourse, content 😉


Finally! Do had some free time for me. It took us 5 minutes (max) to discuss, after which he send an e-mail to IT-Support@HvU telling them he had full convidence in me passing on the Connection-requirements for the Stimpy.nu Serverpark directly to them 🙂 (And yes, that’s the appointement I was talking about in the …

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Two weeks ago, I had an appointement with Do* about the ServerPark. And everyday he asked if we could “please move it to to-morrow”. Last Friday, it looked like he finally had the time! He said he only had one more appointement and then he’ll be all mine (yuck!). So, I waited. And waited. Untill …

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And like that isn’t enough, my computer decided to crash right after I submitted that message. AAARRRGGHH!!!